Photo courtesy: Sten Iversonr
Brockton, thirteen miles east of Poplar, has been described as a "wind-swept village on the prairie." A few miles north of Brockton are the Twin Buttes, named because two of them rise dramatically from the flat, rolling plains below. The buttes are a famous landmark because of the battle there between Crow and Sioux Indians. (from Cheney's Names on the Face of Montana, Mountain Press Publishing Company)
The town of Brockton is located on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation along the Missouri River. Sioux and Assinniboine live on the reservation, which encompasses more than 2 million acres of land just east of Fort Peck Lake, almost to North Dakota, and from 50 miles south of Canada to the Missouri River in the south.
Brockton is the site of the Badlands Celebration, a powwow celebrating native culture and traditions through dancing, food, crafts, and fellowship with one another. The general public is welcome to participate or watch.