Red Bottom Celebration
Photo courtesy: MTOT
Frazer is between Glasgow and Wolf Point on the Missouri River not far from Fort Peck Dam. It began as a Great Northern station and was named for the foreman of a grading crew when the railroad was being built through here. Towering grain elevators indicate it is now a grain shipping center. (from Cheney's Names on the Face of Montana, Mountain Press Publishing Company)
Frazer is located on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. The reservation is home to Sioux and Assinniboine, and it encompasses more than 2 million acres of land just east of Fort Peck Lake, almost to North Dakota, and from 50 miles south of Canada to the Missouri River in the south.
Red Bottom Celebration is an annual powwow that takes place in Frazer. It is a celebration of native culture and traditions through dancing, food, crafts, and fellowship with one another. All members of the general public are welcome to participate or watch.