Bill Roberts Golf Course Ski Tracks - Helena
Each winter the snow gods smile on Helenas Bill Roberts Golf Course for just a few glorious weeks, and we enjoy enough snow cover in town to ski where Charles Lindbergh landed his Spirit of St. Louis in 1927. The Last Chance Nordic Ski Club, in partnership with the City of Helenas Parks and Recreation Department, grooms approximately four kilometers of skate and classic track (map) around the perimeter of the golf course. The route of the groomed tracks is changed year to year, but the tracks typically run together across the gently rolling terrain.
Skiing is free, and all skiers are welcome. Parking for the Golf Course is located at 2201 North Benton Avenue, which is immediately east of Benton Avenue, two driveways north of the railroad tracks.
If you are snowshoeing, walking your dog, on a fat-tired bicycle, or on foot, please avoid the groomed ski tracks as well as the Golf Courses tees and greens. For trail use suggestions, see the LCNSCs Trail Use Guidelines.