Boulder Lakes Trail - Townsend

Boulder Lakes Trail is a steep, rocky trail with good views and opportunity for fishing in high mountain lakes in the Big Belt Mountains.Length: 9.0 milesTrail Beginning: Trail Junction 118Trail End: Forest Road, Section 29, T 10N, R 3EArea Map: Helena Forest Visitor Map USGS Map1: Boulder BaldyTownship 9N; Range 3E; Section 10

Mailing Address
Not Available

Street Address
Not Available

Phone: 406-266-3425
Fax: 406-266-5484

Travel east from Townsend on US Highway 12 for approximately 2 miles, then north on State Highway 284 approximately 15 miles to Confederate Gulch, Forest Road 287, then east for approximately 8 miles to the Blacktail Road, then 1.5 miles to gate and signed trail.

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Bird Watching, Hiking, Nature Area, Picnicking, Sightseeing, Walking, Wildlife Viewing