Nary Time Trail - Townsend

Nary Time Trail is mainly used for hunting accessibly. It provides opportunities for day hikes or short overnight trips. Accessible all year.Length: 2.6 miles. Light use, moderate difficulty.Trail Begins: Forest Road 359Trail Ends: Forest Road, Section 3, T 11N, R 2EArea Map: Helena Forest Visitor Map USGS Map1: Whites CityTownship 11N; Range 2E; Section 9

Mailing Address
Not Available

Street Address
Not Available

Phone: 406-266-3425
Fax: 406-266-5484

Take US Highway 12 east of Townsend approximately 2 miles to State Highway 284, then north for 24 miles to the Avalanche Road 359. The trailhead is located 10 miles up the Avalanche Road.

All Year

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available


Bird Watching, Hiking, Nature Area, Picnicking, Sightseeing, Walking, Wildlife Viewing